Barriers of Communication Definition Communication barriers are the factors that obstruct the effectiveness of communication. They result in mismatch between understanding of the message by the sender and the receiver. Types of Barriers of Communication 1. Language barriers 2. Physical barriers 3. Physiological barriers 4. Psychological barriers 5. Attitudinal barriers
1. Language Barrier
Language barriers relate to use of words, jargons and different language that are used to communicate by senders and receivers. The same statement may carry different meanings for different people. This affects the process of effective communication
2. Physical Barrier
Physical barriers may prevent an individual from being able to interpret non-verbal cues.Other physical barriers include: Old or broken equipment used for communication,Uncomfortable temperatures,Background noise,Large geographic distances between the sender and the receiver.
3. Physiological Barriers
Physiology is the state of human body and mind.Physiological barriers of communication occur due to the physical condition of sender or receiver which might even be physical disabilities.
4. Psychological Barriers
Psychological barriers represent people's state of mind. We all are receptive(accept) to information when we are happy. If, however, we have personal problems, this affectts communication. Personal problems include:unhappy,fear,etc.
5. Attitudinal Barriers
Attitudinal barriers are behaviours or perceptions that prevent people from communicating effectively. These barriers often emerge from a lack of understanding, which can lead people to ignore, to judge, or have misconceptions about a person with a disability.