What is 7C's of Communication


7C's of Communication


 1. Clarity

Effective communication must be clear about what it means The purpose of the communication must be very clear to the communicator. characteristic of clarity communication is that it facilitates understanding. complete clarity of thoughts and ideas enhances the meaning of the message.

 2. Completeness

communication must be complete. It must transmit all the facts required by the public. The subject matter to be communicated must be adequate and complete. Full communication has the following characteristic Full communication develops and enhances the reputation of an organization. They are economical because no crucial information is missing and no additional information is needed. charges are incurred to transmit an additional message if the communication is Completed. Full communication helps in better decision making by the audience/reader/receiver. 


 Concision means verbosity, means what you want to convey with as few words as possible. The receiver of the communication is not impressed by the length of the message. concise communication has the following characteristic. it is both a time saver and a cost saver. concise communication delivers a short, essential message in limited words to the audience. concise message is non-repetitive in nature. 

4. Consideration

 In order to communicate effectively the sender must think and look from the perspective of the receiver. Ensure that the public's self-respect is maintained and their emotions are not at risk. Edit your words in the message to suit the needs of the audience while complementing the message. The characteristics of consideration communication are: Emphasize the "YOU" approach. Empathize with the audience and show interest in the viewers. 


Concrete communication involves being specific and clear rather than vague and jumbled. Concretely the sender of the communication transmits "to the point" or factual message. Characteristic of concrete communication, it is supported by precise facts and figures. He uses clear, reputation-building words. 


 For effective communications, the sender should not transmit any message unless he is sure of its correctness. There should be no grammatical error in the communication. The characteristics of correct communication are If the communication is correct, it builds trust level. A correct message has a greater impact on the audience/reader. He uses appropriate and correct language in the message. 


Courtesy means friendly and helpful behavior towards others. The sender's message should be polite and reflective characteristic of communication coustesy are courtesy involves taking into consideration both viewpoints as well as culling the receiver of the message. it's not biased at all. It uses terms that respect the recipient of the message.

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